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Be Sure to Select a Top Consulting Firm

Gaining admission to top-tier colleges and universities is a challenging endeavor. The admissions process requires that you present your best case for acceptance to elite institutions. These are those institutions that, due to their large volumes of well-qualified applicants, can afford to be highly selective in choosing whom to invite into their freshmen classes. As a result, your case for acceptance must be compelling. It also needs to be communicated consistently in all elements of your campaign for admission, including interviews, essays, activities, accomplishments, and in the application itself.

All who aspire to attend an elite institution should retain an experienced college admissions consulting firm that has a proven record in guiding students to admission to elite colleges and universities. Your consultant should have the requisite skills and expertise to provide you with the quality of services that are essential to your success.

Before deciding which consultant is best for you, you should research these firms to determine which have the right credentials and experience for your individual requirements. Your consultant should be able to demonstrate the knowledge and ability to navigate the whitewater rapids that is the admissions process of top-tier institutions. Don’t start out on your own and then realize too late in the game that the admissions process is complex and difficult, requiring professional expertise.

There are several categories by which you can analyze admissions firms in order to identify the one that will provide the type and quality of services you’ll want. We believe that such an analysis supports a decision to retain IvySelect College Consulting and its Lead Educational Consultant, Michael Goran, as your counselor for the reasons summarized below.

Strategic Planning Methodology

Mr. Goran of IvySelect has many years of experience as a mentor. He guides you through the essential process of developing a strategic plan that’s ideal for your unique set of strengths, weaknesses, talents, skills, interests, and achievements. He integrates his broad experience with his insider’s knowledge of the admissions preferences, processes, and proclivities of elite institutions. This accounts for his ability to assist you in the admissions process to the elite institutions listed on IvySelect’s home page as well as others.

Education and Training

Effective admissions consulting requires that a counselor master an extensive body of knowledge. Few professional counselors can claim to have the most appropriate and highest quality of education and training for this specialty. Among these few is Michael Goran, Founder of IvySelect. Mr. Goran is himself a graduate of an Ivy League school – the University of Pennsylvania and is a former admissions interviewer for Penn. He also holds a Juris Doctor degree from Emory University in Philadelphia. Mr. Goran has completed an advanced training program in college counseling at the graduate-level College Counseling Certificate Programat UCLA. He has also completed many other specialized training and certification programs offered through other organizations in the field. These achievements indicate his personal commitment to top-tier education and his thorough understanding of the operation of the college admissions process from all perspectives.

Leadership in Industry Associations

Verifying that a college consultant has a commitment to the highest standards of ethics and sound practices is extremely important. In addition, admissions professionals should be part of a community of like-minded experts through which the most advanced methods and techniques are disseminated. Mr. Goran is a leading member of several college consulting trade organizations that are recognized nationally and internationally. These includethe National Association of College Admissions Counseling (NACAC), the Higher Education ConsultantsAssociation (HECA), and the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA).

Recognition in the Admissions Field

As an expert in the college admissions field, Mr. Goran is a recognized “thought leader”. He has served as a keynote speaker or panelistat seminars and symposia on advanced topics in the field. He has been interviewed and given his thoughts in many articles in national publications and trade journals, attesting to his recognized expertise in the admissions field. He conscientiously visits and communicates with admissions official at top-tier universities across the country and takes other steps in order to remain at the forefront of the college admissions profession.

Excellence As a Teacher of Writing Skills

To achieve your admissions goals, you need guidance from someone in distilling the essence of your distinctive value. Once identified, you must communicate this message to admissions offices. The medium most critical in this effort is your college essays. Essays are an opportunity to highlight who you are and provide a rationale for your potential contribution to the campus and its community. Outstanding essays are especially vital to success in admission to Ivy League and similarly elite top-tier schools. Mr. Goran is an award-winning writer himself as well as a highly competent teacher of writing. His talents translate into the ability to guide you in identifying your most distinctive qualities, organizing and prioritizing ideas, and then expressing them effectively to elevate your profile.

To succeed in the intense competition for admission, you mustfollow a well planned, proven, systematic methodology. Taking this sort of strategic approach will not only raise your odds of admission but will lay a strong foundation foryour post-secondary academic success. If you seek the best possible chance of securing admission to your schools of choice, be diligent in choosing the mentor who will guide you best. At IvySelect, we standfar above the alternatives in our ability to guide you in accomplishing your educational goals.

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