Reduce the Stress of the College Admissions Process

Picture the famous painting by Edvard Munch known as “The Scream”. No student should have to go through high school feeling like that guy. Although there’s serious work to be done, high school should also be a time of joy … read more

Class Rank as a Factor in Admission to an Elite College

Class rank remains a consideration in admissions to top-tier colleges and universities, but has diminished in significance compared to GPA. Each year, fewer high schools calculate class rankings for seniors. It is your high school grades, especially in college prepread more

Ivy League Admissions: What’s Luck Got to Do With It?

If you’re wondering what the answer is to the question posed in this post’s title, it’s … NOTHING!

Although luck, both good and bad, plays a large part in everyone’s destiny, gaining admission to an Ivy League institution is not … read more

Elite Prep Students Should Hire a Private Educational Consultant

Students fortunate enough to graduate from a top-tier Ivy League feeder prep school can still benefit greatly from working with an IvySelect private college counselor. While the direction provided to students by guidance counselors in elite prep schools is … read more

Do Prestigious Prep Schools Assure Admission to the Ivy League?

American novelists of the gilded age and early 20th century like Henry James, Edith Wharton, and F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote of the lives and educations of the wealthiest, most well-established families. If, in reading them, you infer that attendance … read more

Legacy Status as a Factor in Admission to Elite Colleges

In their admissions policies, colleges state that they reward factors such as diversity, authenticity, equality of opportunity, and academic merit. These assertions, although valid, often fail to state their treatment of “legacy” applicants — those who have familial ties to … read more

2016 Changes to the SAT

Some people approach an important exam with high anxiety, so the outcome is less than their abilities should reflect. Others are relaxed and can focus on producing results that fully represent their potential. The best way to be sure that … read more

Interviews: Their Impact on Admissions Decisions

How not to walk into an interview at your “dream” college — bathed in sweat with an acid stomach, a nervous twitch, and a sense of impending doom. True… there may be a lot riding on this conversation, but you … read more

Elite Colleges Value Demonstrated Interest

Among the distinguishing characteristics of the selection process of elite colleges is that some of them want to love you… and some of them want to be loved by you.  The best approach is to work with your IvySelectread more

Make the Most of Your “Hook” to Help Gain Admissions to a Top-Tier College

When it comes to talent, if you’ve got it… flaunt it! This is as true in the competition for acceptance at elite colleges as it is anywhere.  If you don’t have talent as a natural gift, then start now to … read more