Making the Most of Your College Visits

If you’re a rising freshman, sophomore, or junior and traveling on vacation this summer, side visits to conveniently located campuses can be useful in discovering what you like or don’t like about specific colleges. However, if you’re a rising high read more

U.S. College and University Opportunities in Europe

Not long ago, the more adventurous and self-confident of undergraduates would take a semester or two abroad to experience a different culture by attending a university in Europe. Today, undergraduates have much broader opportunities to enroll in a European institution … read more

What’s the Best University in the World?

There can be no categorically correct answer to the question in the title. There’ll never be a definitive standard against which an entity as wide-ranging, complex, and esoteric as a university can be measured. Universities are best valued subjectively, so … read more

Guiding Indian Americans to Elite College Admissions

Indian American parents place a great deal of value on the quality of their children’s education. That’s why it vexes them when Indian American students who have nearly perfect academic qualifications, as demonstrated by their GPA, class rank, SAT and … read more

Asian Americans – Hire an Expert for Top-Tier College Admissions

Many Asian Americans feel that an objective analysis of admissions data of most elite colleges would reveal evidence of discrimination against Asian American applicants. A notable exception to this finding would be the University of California system, including Caltech and … read more

Ivy-Bound American Expats Need an Expert College Admissions Pro

IvySelect excels in assisting American expat students living abroad in gaining admission to Ivy League and other ultra-selective U.S. colleges and universities.

Functionally, the process of applying for admission to an elite American school is the same for expats as … read more

Your International College Admissions Consultant Should be a Recognized Specialist

Westerners have long admired elite American institutions of higher learning. Through the years, many affluent parents from these countries have enrolled their children in Ivy League and other top-tier American colleges and universities. In recent times, globalization and rapid modernization … read more

3 Things to Look for in an International College Consultant

Applying to a college or university in the U.S., Canada or the U.K.  as an international student is a daunting proposition. Matters are complicated even further for high-achieving students seeking admission to top-tier universities, including schools in the Ivy League. … read more