The Relevance of Mission to Admissions Decisions

A student’s academic record will always be the most important qualifier for admission to an elite institution. But applicants aren’t accepted solely because they have excellent academic records because more students have these qualifications than can be admitted. Therefore, attention … read more

Sports Are a Tough Admissions Hook for Elite Schools

From pre-school through high school, you’re encouraged to play team sports, and for good reason: exercise is healthy; team interaction improves a student’s social skills; teamwork teaches group dynamics, and so on. When you reach high school, another benefit is … read more

Economics Isn’t Dismal in the Ivy League

The publication of Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations in 1776 is considered the birth of economics as a distinct discipline. The book identified land, labor, and capital as the three factors of production and the major contributors to a … read more

Take On a Tough Schedule in Junior Year

Ivy League and other elite institutions favor applicants who have challenged themselves throughout high school by taking advanced courses and earning high grades in them. As a high school student who has recently completed your sophomore year and aspires to … read more

The Choice of Online Application Platforms in 2018

Once colleges received the first online applications in the late 1990’s, web-based technology soon supplanted paper applications. Online applications offer many advantages to students and, even more so, for admissions offices. Among other timesaving efficiencies and conveniences, schools can create … read more

Elite Colleges Stress Student’s Potency as Voters

Many parents and grandparents of college students still view campuses as hotbeds of political engagement, as they famously were in decades past. Yet low voting turnout among college students and young people, in general, has been a constant in American … read more

Women’s Advantage in Admissions to STEM Programs

Women are matriculating at an increasing rate as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors at the nation’s college and universities, including the most elite institutions. This phenomenon shows that gender parity is possible in subject areas that have long … read more

The Common Application Essay Prompts for 2018-2019

How can a college select one student over another if they have identical academic records at similar schools and equally impressive test scores? If this was the only information available for consideration the answer would be… flip a coin! This … read more

2018 Ivy League Admissions Overview

In the last post, we provided a summary of the Class of 2022 admissions results at top-tier colleges and universities. It included Table A, a comparison of the Class of 2022 to the Class of 2021 for application volumes, … read more