Your Best College Admissions Consultancy

IvySelect has successfully assisted many students in achieving their principal educational goal—admission to an Ivy League or similarly elite institution.

If you aspire to attend a top-tier institution, you’ll need professional expertise to optimize your chances of acceptance. You’re well … read more

Supreme Court: Affirmative Action Remains a Factor in Admissions

In several recent posts, we’ve noted that the difference between being granted or denied admission by a top-tier institution is often a subtle distinction, which may be based on “soft factors.” Soft factors include not only those nonacademic parts of … read more

Yes! Many Homeschoolers Are Admitted to Top-Tier Institutions

Homeschooling continues to be a rising trend with over two million students currently being homeschooled in the United States. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the population grew by 62% during a recent 10-year span.

While homeschooled students … read more

SAT Subject Tests and Top-Tier College Admissions

The most highly selective colleges and universities review far too many academically outstanding applicants to admit all but a small fraction of them to the freshman class. As a result, most admissions decisions are made on the basis of tiebreakers. … read more

When Your Dream School is Only One of Several Reach Schools

Reach for the Sky and Give Me All Your Money” was a classic vaudeville routine. The clueless bank teller keeps trying to do both at the same time while the frustrated robber ramps up into full tantrum mode. … read more

Yield Rates and Why They Matter

Yield is a term with a range of meanings in distinct fields such as statistics, finance, mathematics, agriculture, transportation, psychology, and religion. In behavioral science, people offer differing advice about yield. There are those who say that you should not … read more

Changes to the 2016-2017 Common Application

The college application, and the extent to which you are able to present yourself in the best possible light, is the medium through which you will succeed or fail in achieving your educational goals. You should stay apprised of changes … read more

Rising Seniors: Hire a College Admissions Consultant Now

As college admissions consultants specializing in top-tier schools, IvySelect has successfully advised many students in the achievement of their educational goals. We prefer to begin early in a student’s high school career. However, rising seniors who wish to attend an … read more

Update on the Coalition for Access, Affordability and Success

On this blog, we inform parents and students who are or soon will be engaged in the college admissions process of significant changes to admissions practices and procedures, especially at the most elite institutions. This is to help prepare you … read more

What to Do If You’re Waitlisted by a Top-Tier College

Students aspiring to the most elite colleges usually submit several applications. This practice spreads the risk of possible rejection by one or more of the targeted schools. In fact, IvySelect recommends that 12 to 13 applications be submitted to a … read more