Yale Wins Ivy Gridiron Title – First Since 1980

Yale’s football team has won or shared the Ivy title 15 times since the League’s formation in 1956, but they’ve suffered a championship drought for 37 long years. The Bulldogs ended their dry spell on Saturday,

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Top-Tier Colleges That Produce Rhodes Scholars

Given the intense competition for admission, if you aspire to attend an Ivy League or similarly elite college, then you’re an ambitious person. Perhaps you’re even more ambitious than that and have set your sights on one

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Top-Tier Colleges Listed Among the Most Innovative Schools

If applied to the latest U.S. News survey that recognizes America’s most innovative schools, the headline above could be, “Surprising University Ranks First in U.S. News List of Most Innovative Schools”. For the third consecutive year, Arizona State University was … read more

Can Colleges Unreasonably Rescind Offers of Admission?

The administrators of the Irvine campus of the University of California managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory this year. Their victory was in receiving 104,000 applications for the Class of 2021, the third largest number of applications … read more

Is Small Still Beautiful at Dartmouth College?

Dartmouth College, founded in 1769 in the bucolic hills of northern New Hampshire, is a private, highly selective institution and one of the eight Ivy League schools. It has a total enrollment of only 4,307 students in its undergraduate programs, … read more

Harvard Social Clubs May Lose Right of Association

For many students, membership in a fraternity or sorority is a key element of their college experience. Their social lives as undergraduates are centered on their association with fellow club members. They form intense friendships

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Yale Nine Shine in Capturing Ivy League Championship

Baseball: America’s pastoral pastime. It’s the only team game without a clock; the sport where, as Yogi Berra wisely noted, “It ain’t over… ‘til it’s over!”

Ivy League schools have been playing baseball for a century and a half, long … read more

Harvard Revokes Ten Class of 2021 Offers for Offensive Online Behavior

Students who aspire to attend Ivy League or other elite colleges should consider the impact of all postings to social media sites. It’s equally important to extend this discipline even after admission, as a number of accepted members of Harvard’s … read more

American Research Universities and the Nobel Prize

Alfred Nobel was a Swedish inventor and manufacturer who became wealthy in the late 19th century from his 355 inventions, the most well known of which is dynamite. In his will in 1895, he established a significant endowment and … read more

The First Ivy League Basketball Tournament

Princeton’s basketball team arrived at the inaugural Ivy League tournament understandably resentful that the presidents of the eight institutions had decided, after 60 years, that this was the year to begin holding a postseason tournament. The Tigers had gone a … read more