Transferring to an Ivy League University

Transferring to an Ivy League school is even more difficult than being accepted as a freshman applicant. For students who aspire to attend Princeton, for example, it hasn’t even been possible to transfer to the school in recent decades. The … read more

Class Rank: They Can’t All Be Valedictorians…Can They?

In a simpler time, each high school graduating class had one student as valedictorian and another student as salutatorian. In determining who these students were, high school administrators used the following straightforward process — the valedictorian was the student ranked … read more

Majoring in Business at a Top-Tier University

Management of even the ordinary ebb and flow of business requires disciplined and detailed planning. Professional-level plans are even more critical in the context of a business startup or expansion. So it’s fitting that considering a major in business at … read more

The College Board Now Recommends an SAT Prep Course (Their Own)

Since its founding in the early 1950’s, the College Board has held that test prep courses don’t boost scores on its SAT exam significantly enough to justify their time and expense. The Board stated in 1955 that, “If the Board’s … read more

Yale Nine Shine in Capturing Ivy League Championship

Baseball: America’s pastoral pastime. It’s the only team game without a clock; the sport where, as Yogi Berra wisely noted, “It ain’t over… ‘til it’s over!”

Ivy League schools have been playing baseball for a century and a half, long … read more

Parents and College Admissions

Parents beware — the process of admissions of your child to top-tier colleges can be fraught with anxiety. Unless, that is, you’re prepared for the difficulties you’ll encounter as you and your child wend your way through this complex maze.… read more

Harvard Revokes Ten Class of 2021 Offers for Offensive Online Behavior

Students who aspire to attend Ivy League or other elite colleges should consider the impact of all postings to social media sites. It’s equally important to extend this discipline even after admission, as a number of accepted members of Harvard’s … read more

If You Have a Legacy Advantage – Use It!

Last month, most highly selective colleges and universities announced their admissions rates for next fall’s freshman class. Many schools saw their rates decline to record lows, and a number of universities had admissions rates under 10%, including Stanford, Harvard, Princeton, … read more

Elite Colleges Await Your Decision

The term “yield” in the college admissions field refers to the percentage of admitted students who elect to enroll in a particular college or university after they have been offered admission. It is simply the result obtained by dividing the … read more

Do University Endowment Sizes Align with Rankings?

Have you ever wondered how the size of a college’s endowment fund might correlate with its rankings? Not likely… the answer wouldn’t affect your preferences among schools very much. But we’re conducting this exercise because it may indicate how wisely … read more