Making the Most of Your College Visits

If you’re a rising freshman, sophomore, or junior and traveling on vacation this summer, side visits to conveniently located campuses can be useful in discovering what you like or don’t like about specific colleges. However, if you’re a rising high read more

Visit the Libraries at Top-Tier Colleges

The library is a home away from home for many college students. If you ask an admissions officer or a high school guidance counselor about things to do when you visit a college, among the activities that they’ll recommend is … read more

Firms That Improve Your College Visit Experience

At this time of year, IvySelect’s high school seniors are focused on optimizing their college applications. They’re working with us to write personal statements, develop essays that respond to the prompts of specific schools, and making sure that all components … read more

Juniors: You Need an Advisor for College

American lore is alive with the great deeds of extraordinary individuals acting “alone”. Their accomplishments lie in a wide range of fields and include such luminaries as Daniel Boone, John Fremont, Frederick Douglass, , Alexander Bell, Booker Washington, Thomas Edison, … read more

AP Courses and Ivy League Admissions

The College Board, the nonprofit educational organization that administers the SAT, initiated the Advanced Placement (AP) program in the middle of the last century. AP classes are college-level courses that are taught in most American high school

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The Common App Essay Prompts for 2017-2018

It’s almost springtime! Good news in most, but not all, respects. If you’re a high school junior, that loud noise you hear is the starting gun signaling the beginning of the long application season for the Class of 2022. And … read more

Ivy League Admissions and LinkedIn

A few months ago, we posted about the ways in which you can use social media as a student to attract the attention of the elite schools that you aspire to attend. Ivy League and other top-tier institutions use social … read more

The 2017 U.S. News Best Colleges Edition

The 2017 edition of the U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges Rankings was released earlier this month to the usual media fanfare. Much attention is accorded this annual publication because, as we noted in a recent post, the … read more

Your Best College Admissions Consultancy

IvySelect has successfully assisted many students in achieving their principal educational goal—admission to an Ivy League or similarly elite institution.

If you aspire to attend a top-tier institution, you’ll need professional expertise to optimize your chances of acceptance. You’re well … read more

Choose Your High School Courses Wisely

It has long been a basic tenet of public policy in the United States that children are to be educated at public or, if preferred by the family, private expense from elementary school through four years of high school. However, … read more