Gender in Admissions to Top-Tier Colleges

Do you seek every possible advantage in your campaign for admission to a top-tier college? Of course you do! This can be relevant in the context of gender. Whether you’re male or female, there are ways to take advantage of … read more

Elite College Acceptance Rates for 2017

There are interesting perspectives on the factors that have contributed to the upsurge in applications to elite institutions. But which theory best explains this phenomenon is less important than the bare fact that there’s been a significant spike in applications … read more

Are Waitlists at Top-Tier Colleges Worthwhile?

Last year, we posted a piece that advised students on things they could do to demonstrate their continued interest in a top-tier college that had offered them waitlist status instead of admission. However, the actions that we recommended would place … read more

Cornell University’s New Tech Campus Opens in NYC

Cornell University, an Ivy League School, has a beautiful main campus high above Cayuga’s waters in the upstate New York town of Ithaca. The Cornell School of Law was founded in 1887 and is located adjacent to the main campus. … read more

Update on the “Public Ivy League” Universities

The term “Public Ivy” was introduced by Richard Moll, who was Yale’s Director of Admissions, in his 1985 book Public Ivies: A Guide to America’s Best Public Undergraduate Colleges and Universities. He used the term to refer to public institutions … read more

Collegiate Gothic Architecture and the Ivy League

People tend to have an image of what elite institutions of higher learning should look like. For many, buildings should have massive dimensions and feature a combination of tall castle-like towers, walls of stone, stained glass, buttresses, spires, pointed arches, … read more

America’s Great Research Universities

American research universities have been the source of many of the defining discoveries of the modern world. A short list includes lasers, the design of the Internet, the Richter scale, magnetic resonance imaging, advances in health care based on stem … read more

Best Top-Tier Universitites for Engineering

If you, as a high school student, possess the right mix of aptitudes and interests, then consider a degree in engineering from a top-tier school as an excellent way to begin a successful, rewarding career. The starting salaries of engineering … read more

College Fairs for Aspiring Ivy League Students

Should you bother to attend college fairs if you plan to attend an Ivy League or similarly elite top-tier college or university? The answer is yes, but be selective. You should attend fairs and other events conducted by organizations that … read more

The 2017 U.S. News Best Colleges Edition

The 2017 edition of the U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges Rankings was released earlier this month to the usual media fanfare. Much attention is accorded this annual publication because, as we noted in a recent post, the … read more